Thursday 24 November 2011

Pack mules rule

With an overnight ride heading bush this weekend, it seems like an ideal time to introduce George and Mildred, our new mules, to their future employment option - as pack mules carrying goodies and comfort into the renowned BHA bush camps. George was given a trial run today and passed with flying colours, taking to the pack load like an experienced hand. I'm sure Lin's extensive experience working with mules at Rock Creek Pack station in the USA made sure the job went well.
Big George dwarfs Lin with his oversized bags

1 comment:

  1. Oh My..he's a Big guy!..brings back friend and I bred 2 of our mares and raised 2 mules..THAT was an experience with tons of silly,hilarious stories. Our kids were tiny then between 2 and 8..they still talk about the toboggen rides the 1st winter we had then in a we lived and that was just the beginning!!
